
Watch the harvest moon together with Clefairy on September 29th, in a special live stream to celebrate the Japanese Tsukimi festival

Weathernews LiVE Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon Special Program
As part of a celebration of the Japanese Tsukimi (月見 "moon viewing") festival, the Weathernews LiVE 24-hour live streaming channel will be broadcasting a Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon Special Program live on September 29th, from 9pm to 10pm (JST). During this program, viewers will be able to watch the moon together with host Airi Yamagishi (山岸愛梨) and Clefairy, who is joining the show for the second year running as a Weathernews LiVE special caster.

As with last year's event, a special gift campaign will be running for viewers of this special program. Details on how to participate, and the gifts that winners will be able to receive, will be introduced during the program broadcast.
Three Clefairy
Archaic Written by Archaic