Pokémon Red and Pokémon Yellow to feature as part of the No Holidays Allowed 2023 speedrun marathon, in benefit of the GO Rescue Pet Adoption Center
As the name suggests, NoGA is a series of speedrunning marathons primarily focusing on glitchless or no major glitches categories. Archipelago is a multi-world style randomizer that allows users to combine many games into a multi-player cooperative experience. Items or abilities in one game may be found in another, requiring players to work together to make progress. It currently has support for 48 games.
The details and expected times for the Pokémon runs at No Holidays Allowed 2023 are as follows. Please note that these times were correct at time of writing, but may be subject to change based on alterations in the marathon. Check the full schedule below to check the approximate start time for each run in your local timezone, as well as for any schedule changes and updates.
Pokémon Red
Wednesday December 6th - 10:10am (PST)
Category: Archipelago also featuring Kingdom Hearts 2, Timespinner, and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Expected length: 3:30:00
Runners: HiddingHero, PrudenGaming, ProPokeNoob, Shaun1e
Pokémon Yellow
Friday December 8th - 12:00pm (PST)
Category: Level 100 No EXP Underflow/No Manipulation
Expected length: 0:55:00
Runner: Lanaruse
To donate to the No Holidays Allowed 2023 marathon, please refer to the Twitch chat during the marathon for the relevant links.